Fr Robert Hendrickson

Dear Friends in Christ,

One of my favorite writers is G.K. Chesterton. Much of his writing is about faith but he commented on all sorts of matters regarding the human condition. One quote of his I think about frequently has to do with giving thanks. He writes, “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”

We can never say thank you enough in church—to one another for faithful care and service and to God for his loving-kindness and mercy.

One of the things I’m proud of here at Saint Philip’s is that we maintain the fullness of the Church calendar—not because it is easy to do so but because it is demanding. Our best efforts, energy, and labor are called out of us in so many different ways.

Whether it’s in greening the church, preparing snacks and meals, stuffing envelopes, making luminaria, polishing silver, photocopying music sheets, unwrapping decorations, picking up trees and greens, putting out signage, practicing readings, singing (and singing and singing) to get ready, editing bulletins, or countless other small acts, these add up to the church offering its best for the sake of Christ.

So many hands and voices are needed to make a Sunday like last Sunday possible. Thank you to each and every person who helped make Christmas at Saint Philip’s extraordinarily beautiful this year.

Back to Chesterton’s line: gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. My deep gratitude is truly a product of wonder.

Wonder at the music.

Wonder at the countless hours of loving work.

Wonder at the beauty of the space we share.

Wonder at the many who show up for that holy night.

Wonder at the power of tradition.

Wonder at the poignancy of the liturgy.

Wonder at the eagerness of so many volunteers.

Wonder at the voices past and present singing together on such nights.

Wonder at the Real Presence of Christ.

Christmas at Saint Philip’s is truly a wonder and a gift. I hope we never take that for granted and I pray that, even more, we never take for granted the love planted at the heart of it all in Jesus Christ.

If thanks are the highest form of thought let us offer unceasing thanks to God and never lose the gift of joy and wonder in all his work.

With gratitude and thanks to each of you,

—Fr Robert