Mtr Mary Trainor

Dare to be different

Fight to the death for truth, and the Lord God will fight for you.*

Dear friend,

My Uncle John—my mother’s brother—played to mixed reviews in the family. For my mother and their two sisters, he was a hero. Could not do or say anything wrong. For those not in the fan base—like my father—John was a windbag, all persona and fluff.

As his only niece—on whom he doted—I guess I took a middle road (Anglican even then?) I saw the fluff and bravado. And I recognized his giftedness. Oh, and did I say, he was a Baptist preacher.


One of the readings for today comes from Ecclesiasticus, a collection of moral and ethical teachings that goes by several names, and is not included in all Bibles.

While I was reading today’s passage, Uncle John leaped to mind. He was a published author of several books, including a collection of original stories to illustrate sermons. His stories were simple yet profound, earthy and sophisticated. Sometimes they were knee-slappingly funny. Sometimes they brought me to the tears. And they were always something from his own experience, his own perspective


As a college freshman, I pursued a journalism major. But I lacked confidence in my writing. And I had no idea what to write about anyway.

My mother asked John to talk to me about writing. And what he identified as more important than anything else is the headline of today’s reflection: “Dare to be different.” Don’t write about the same old themes. Don’t tell the same old tired stories. Be different. Be fresh. Be you

His advice was not something I understood immediately. But it stuck with me for all these years, a message about truth, and courage, and authenticity.

Fight to the death for truth, and the Lord God will fight for you.

Dare to be different.

Mtr Mary