Mtr Mary Trainor

Dear friend,

Everybody needs a Mary Magdalene. A champion. Someone who accompanies us on life’s winding path, even when the path leads to a cross, the grave, and beyond.

Today, the church remembers Saint Mary Magdalene with a passage from the Gospel of John. It includes Mary’s witness to Jesus’ resurrection, and her proclamation to the other disciples: “I have seen the Lord.”

Jesus had his pick of anyone to reveal his resurrection—but he chose her. Mary was present at other critical points in Jesus’ ministry, as was his mother, Mary. These same two Mary’s are the only two women mentioned in all four Gospels.


Mary Magdalene is a fascinating figure in the Gospel stories, and the subject of other colorful writings that contain information difficult to authenticate. From the Gospels there’s implication that she and other women helped finance the ministry, that Jesus rid her of seven demons, indicative of something akin to a mental health issue, that she was with him  on the road, at the cross, at the burial, at the resurrection. She’s been called the Apostle to the Apostles, and Witness of Divine Mercy.


Along life’s way, I have been blessed with a couple of Mary Magdalenes, truth tellers, stoic witnesses to my triumphs and defeats, encouragers, wisdom figures, proclaimers of my resurrection moments.

One of my Magdalenes was not all caught up in the life of the church. Nonetheless, in just six months, she attended my ordination to the diaconate, my ordination to the priesthood, my installation as rector of a parish. “My word,” she said, “you Episcopalians have a fine sense of ceremony. What’s happening next month?” She may have been jesting, but she was there. Because that’s what Mary Magdalenes do. They show up.

I believe such people are special agents of God. They are to be treasured.

Mtr Mary