Jeanette Renouf

My beloved friends.

In today’s readings, Isaiah warns us against praying to gods who cannot save us, yet we seem to do this all the time. Our culture looks to all kinds of gods for help but rarely to the one who really can help us. Having faith in God can be seen as old-fashioned, unscientific, childish, just plain ridiculous. Someone might say; “Surely someone like you can’t believe in that superstitious nonsense anymore.” Actually, I do believe in the power and presence of God in my life.

The Gospel reading from Mark is the story of Jesus calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee. He chides the disciples for being afraid and questions their faith. I, too, find myself getting anxious about things even when part of me is saying to trust; after all, I am not in charge of the happenings of the world. When things turn out well despite my anxiety, I thank God and chide myself for my lack of faith.

Sometimes it seems as if God has intervened in some small, unimportant event that I have been anxious about and I have to laugh at myself and admit that God has an amazing sense of humor and abundant love. I think it can be difficult to believe that we who are so unworthy can be loved unconditionally. We are used to thinking we have to earn love and to have it so freely given again challenges our faith.

I would like to walk each day fully accepting that unconditional love, calmly living in the trust and faith that God is in charge and all will be well and never again being anxious. I pray that you can, as well.

Peace and love,
