Mtr Mary Trainor

Life is like a mountain railroad, with an engineer that's brave…*

Dear friend,

Control. It’s difficult to seize the wheel in the first place, and difficult to let it go. And in between the seizing and the letting go, is this thing we call life’s journey.

Growing up in suburban Los Angeles, a car was essential. Mass transit was pathetic (not much better today.)  Plus, I inherited my father’s love of the automobile, and couldn’t wait to have my own. It was the 1950s. Essentially, there were three automakers: Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler. Detroit was THE source. People imagined it would be that way forever. We know how that turned out.

While driving is a joy, it also comes with risks. A moment’s inattention…well, you know.

You will roll up grades of trial, you will cross the bridge of strife…

Navigating life’s journey is like that, I think. I can’t take my eye off the road for a second. Something perilous could lie just around the next bend, or be about to crash into my trunk from the rear. My brakes could go out. My fuel tank on empty. 

In today’s Office Gospel from Matthew, Jesus offers essential advice for this journey: “Keep awake.” Predators of all sorts lurk in the wilds. Darkness hides things that might harm. Leaders can lead astray more easily than they can lead well. Trustworthiness seems to be a diminishing value, as is truth itself.

See that Christ is your conductor on this lightning train of life…

The old song offers us hope on this journey. It’s not so much that it saves us from harm, but rather that it reminds us that we are never alone in this wilderness called life.


Blessed Savior, Thou wilt guide us,
Till we reach the blissful shore,
Where the angels wait to join us
In Thy praise forevermore.

Mtr Mary

*Johnny Cash and The Whites perform this old favorite:  Life’s Railway to Heaven.