Mtr Mary Trainor

Off into the world we go
Planning futures, shaping years.
Love bursts in, and suddenly
All our wisdom disappears  …*

Dear friend,

Old wine. New skins. They don’t work out so well when put together. If a person didn’t know better, it might seem like an idea worth trying. But Jesus says no.

It’s a lesson featured in today’s Gospel reading from Luke, in partial response to Pharisees pointing out Jesus’ disciples don’t follow traditional religious rules. Why not, they ask.

Jesus could preach for hours, but they would not understand: He is the new wine, their rules are the old skins. It’s like an angry heart transformed by love. Anger simply doesn’t fit any more.

Love, love changes everything:
Days are longer
Words mean more  …

I once worked with a man who described his wife as the most beautiful woman in the world. Breathtaking, he said, making him the most envied of men. There actually was a twinkle in his eye whenever he spoke her name.

It was months before I met her. And to my surprise, though nice-appearing, she did not seem to be the star quality of which he spoke. I was puzzled, until realizing my colleague looked at her through the eyes of love. What he saw was truth, beauty enhanced by love.

I’m pretty sure had Jesus talked to the Pharisees about love, it may have been lost on them. What’s love got to do with how and when one eats, they might ask, or easing a man’s pain on a sabbath, or any number of other kindnesses that don’t fit the script. Rules are rules, right?

Yes, love, love changes everyone.
Live or perish in its flame.
Love will never, never let you
Be the same.

—Mtr Mary

* From Aspects of Love. Songwriters: Don Black / Andrew Lloyd-webber / Charles Hart