Elizabeth Wood

Dear Friends,

When we first moved to Tucson and I was still working, it was important to us that we live relatively close to the airport, and consequently we bought a house outside the city limits and on the west side. This means that my drive to Saint Philip’s is about 25 minutes. Not a terrible drive, but longer than I would like.

So, there are Sundays when I don’t feel like making the effort to attend church. The temptation to stay in pajamas and watch the livestream with another cup of coffee is strong. It’s a bit like the inner monologue I have several times a week about working out—“do I have to?” But as a friend once said to me: “remember, you never feel worse after going to the gym.” For me, it’s the same with church—most of the time I feel better, sometimes I feel the same, but I never feel worse!

There are lots of different reasons to come to church. Sometimes we go to church to use it as a trampoline! We come to be filled with spiritual energy so that we can bounce back into the world with enthusiasm and strength. Sometimes we come because church is a refuge—a way to get away from our worldly problems and the stress of our daily lives, somewhere quiet and calm. Sometimes we come because church is like a school—we come to hear the word of God and learn more about its meaning and consider how to apply it in the ways we show up in the world. Sometimes we come for a party—to celebrate feasts and festivals through the liturgy, with our music and worship. And sometimes we come for community—to be with our friends and fellow Christians, to share our experiences, to support and learn from each other.

These reasons are not, of course, mutually exclusive. Church is often all of these things at once! Trampoline, refuge, school, party, or community; you never feel worse after going to church!

See you on Sunday.
