Chotard Doll

Dear Companions on the way,

As I prepared today’s reflection, the two blessings contained in the lessons remained with me all day.

In his first Epistle, John says: We know that we are God’s children, and that the whole world lies under the power of the evil one.

The contrast between being a child of God and living in this complicate and seductive world pretty much describes my life, and maybe yours, too?

But I always love to read Proverbs, so full of fine-tuned wisdom and succinct advice. Today Proverbs tells us: My child, keep my commandments and live….Say to Wisdom, “You are my sister” and call insight your intimate friend.

In this world of conflict, where love and hate, unity and division struggle for dominance, the children of God find joy in keeping the commands of the Lord, and saying to Sister Wisdom, “You are my guide and my friend.”

