Chotard Doll

Dear Companions on the journey,

In the gospel this morning (Matthew 12:18), Jesus is said to have fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 42: “ Here is my servant whom I have chosen; my beloved in whom my soul is well pleased.”

I suspect there are times in all our lives when we feel like the bottom is near. Long years ago, having reached that point myself, I went on a private retreat, guided by a Jesuit priest.

He sent me to my room and told me to be still and just be quiet before the Lord. When I was calm and quiet, I was to ask for the gift of a Bible passage, and read the passage that came to my mind. It was this passage from Isaiah 42. “Here is my servant whom I have chosen; my beloved in whom my soul is well pleased.”

I thought, “That’s nice, it refers to Jesus.” And the Holy Spirit in my heart said, “No, it is you. YOU are my servant whom I have chosen, in whom my soul delights.”

It is each one of us. We are all called and chosen. Accepting that gift at the deepest level of our being is life-changing.

