Chotard Doll

Dear Friends in Christ:

Psalm 118:
On this day the Lord has acted; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.
This is the gate of the Lord; he who is righteous may enter.

Some 1,700 years ago, St John Chrysostom preached an Easter homily in Constantinople, which read in part:

“Come you all: enter into the joy of your Lord. You the first and you the last, receive alike your reward; you rich and you poor, dance together; you sober and you weaklings, celebrate the day; you who have kept the fast and you who have not, rejoice today. The table is richly loaded: enjoy its royal banquet….All of you enjoy the banquet of faith; all of you receive the riches of his goodness.”

Christ has opened the gate, and today we begin again to participate in that new life, for we too have died and are raised to new life by his offering.

Alleluia! Christ is Risen indeed!
