Chotard Doll

Dear Friends in Christ:

Sometimes when reading Romans I groan inwardly as Paul wrestles with the concept of law and freedom. But then I come to some glorious passages like those in today’s lectionary.

“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.” Or,

“The Spirit of God helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.”

It was surely that Spirit of God which inspired Gregory, Bishop of Armenia, to set out and overcome paganism in that country, suffering some torture and rejection in the process. Known as Gregory the Illuminator, he brought the light of Christ to the people there. Interestingly, after years of hard work in the early 4th Century, he retired and became a recluse, living in a cave, where he died and was buried by shepherds, who didn’t know who he was. Clearly it was not the glory of ecclesiastical power that motivated him, nor did he rest on his laurels after years of success. The Spirit of God led him away to dwell in the Holy Presence.

Obviously we can’t withdraw to caves, but I like to think of my study as a cave, wherein I seek the bread of life—namely the word of God revealed in Christ. And Lent is the gift of the church which encourages us to do that. It is a time to withdraw to that space within that longs to know the God “who called us out of darkness into [his] marvelous light.” And then, strengthened by the power of that Holy Spirit, we can go forth as children of God, to serve in his world.

