Mtr Mary Trainor

Dear friend,

Like many families of my era, we lived in the suburbs. Not rich suburbs, but simply neighborhoods of single-family homes with yards to play in, and where parents looked out for each others’ kids.

Suburbs from that time have been portrayed as monochromatic neighborhoods, senseless repetitions of Model A and Model B, “ticky-tacky” little houses, as one songwriter said.

Despite, or maybe because of, the sameness, we children longed for some differentiation. A place of our own, a place where we make the law.

And, thus, our clubhouse was born, complete with posted rules and a secret knock.


From the New Testament today we see it isn’t very long after Jesus’ ascension before leaders begin to bicker about who belongs to God and who does not.

As we read in today’s lesson from the Book of Acts, Simon Peter is accosted upon his return from visiting with Gentiles—who were not considered saved. They were not circumcised and did not follow the same dietary restrictions as the people of Israel.

Peter succeeds in persuading his people that God has also saved the Gentiles, circumcision and different eating notwithstanding.


Our clubhouse went through some struggles like this, too. At first, only kids from our street could belong. Then someone had a friend a couple of streets over, and of course we had to let them in.

Then some wise guy suggested they keep the girls out. Murmuring rippled among the kids present. The idea seemed to be gaining momentum. I couldn’t believe it. They were going to ostracize me? God bless my brother. He said, “If you don’t want my sister, then you don’t want me.” And, so, the proposal failed, and I remained a member in good standing.


Many of us share the idea that all are welcome, all belong. This magnificent Godly idea is always at risk of someone’s bright idea to exclude.

Safeguarding inclusion is a life’s work. And it’s helpful, too, to have strong people ready to stand up and speak God’s words of love--and sometimes save your club membership

Mtr Mary

Acts 11:1-18