Mtr Mary Trainor

Sing like no one's listening  …*

Dear friend,

Modern Dance. It was a required semester of Physical Education for high school girls in the early 1960s. It terrified me.

I handled the semesters of softball, tennis, volleyball. But Modern Dance?

Well, it required grace and fluidity of movement. Never strong areas for me. Still not today.

My friend Sharon was assigned as my partner for our final project—and her church taught that dance in any form was sinful.

None of this bode well for our assignment.

love like you've never been hurt  …

In today’s Office Gospel from Matthew, Peter faces a similar conundrum—except failing his test could result in death. Sharon and I only faced  the fires of hell and utter humiliation.

In a moment of perhaps more derring-do than faith, Peter asks the walking-on-water Jesus: “If it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” Jesus complied. Peter did pretty well until a strong wind frightened him. He began to sink.

dance like nobody's watching  …

That is often the way for me, too. I go along pretty well, taking one step after another, not considering the big picture. When I stop for a moment to survey what lies ahead? That is when I sink.

Sharon and I convinced her we could do the dance by faking it. Get out in the center, be inspired by the music, and move.

So we did. It started well, music played, we moved. Then in a flash I noticed that Sharon was gone. I was alone with the whole class staring at me. I fled. And by fled, I mean I ran from the center of the room, straight for the door, and didn’t stop until I hit the locker room.

It seems silly all these years later—but at the time, it was a “Lord save me” moment. I’ve had many since, and thus far I have lived to tell about them--just as Peter did.

… and live like it's heaven on earth.

Mtr Mary

* Quote from Mark Twain