Mtr Mary Trainor

We’re in this thing together  …*

Dear friend,

It happened early this week. A moment of grace. Pure, unadulterated kindness: I pulled up to a coffee shop drive-through window, and learned that the woman in front of me had paid my bill.

I began to analyze. Do I know her? Why would a total stranger offer a gift? There I go, worrying about goodness.

While this happened to me once before, such acts of generosity still surprise me.

Can’t we all just live as one?

Mark’s Gospel for today offers a similar story. The disciples, once Jesus busts them for arguing as to which is the greatest, try to get back into his good graces by sharing this story:

“Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us.”

We’re all like birds of one feather  …

They miss the mark again. Jesus says, “Whoever is not against us is for us.” An act of love is an act of love, regardless of who offers it. Goodness is goodness. Spend your worry on something else.

Roman Catholics versus all other Christians, with their “one true church” claim. Evangelicals and mainline Christians standing at arm’s length, fearful of—what?—contamination? Or competition?

It's time to live as one.

There is so much pain and loneliness and grief and rage in this world—more than enough for anyone willing to help. 

Don’t know where to start? You can always surprise someone with a cup of coffee. That act alone made my day recently.

Out of the blue a total stranger bestowed a gift upon me. And, even though I questioned it, I must confess: It put a little bounce in my step.

Mtr Mary

*In This Together. Song by Luciano Messenjah.