Mtr Mary Trainor

Tempted and tried we're oft made to wonder why it should be thus all the day long, while there are others living about us, never molested, though in the wrong…*

Dear friend,

Imagine the perfect life. Your perfect life. My guess is that for many of us the perfect life has to do with success, maybe money, maybe power.

There’s nothing wrong with any of that as long as we don’t leave a string of victims behind, if we haven’t walked over others up the ladder to success, turned a blind eye to someone doing less well.

When death has come and taken our loved ones, it leaves our home so lonely and drear; Then do we wonder why others prosper living so wicked year after year  …

The Gospel for this Saturday’s Daily Office is from a section of Luke that considers the reversal of fortune for several people, a way for Jesus to reveal what God’s justice looks like.

In the passage assigned for today, we follow an exceedingly rich man and a desperately poor and sick man, from their very different earthly lives to their very different eternal lives.

The Rich Man and Lazarus live polar-opposite lives on earth, where poor, sore-covered Lazarus lays at the gates as the Rich Man passes through, not throwing one morsel nor even a hint of kindness.

They die close in time to one another, only now roles are reversed. The Rich Man suffers while Lazarus is full and happy and well.

Faithful till death said our loving master; a few more days to labor and wait.Toils of the road will then seem as nothing as we sweep through the beautiful gates.

Imagine the perfect life. Your perfect life.

Mine isn’t fancy or expensive, and you may think me a kook when I share it. I would like to have a few acres of land where I could have a variety of animals about me, especially a donkey. At night I would consider it a privilege to have a huge bed where all manner of dogs can pile on. I would like enough money to manage all of that—and to help the Lazarus at my gate.

What about you?

Farther along we'll know all about it...

Yes, we'll understand it all by and by.

Mtr Mary

*Farther Along. W.B. Stevens