Mtr Mary Trainor

One bread, one body, one Lord of all  …*

Dear friend,

Is there anyone Jesus won’t feed? Not according to the two mass feeding accounts in Mark’s Gospel.

Today’s Office Gospel from Mark offers one of the feedings, the 4,000. A couple of chapters earlier, the 5,000.

… one cup of blessing which we bless.

The numbers alone are substantial, impressive all by themselves. What impresses me more, though, is who is at the meals. The 5,000 were in the Jewish region. Other than the large number, there is no surprise as to who is being fed.

But when Jesus makes possible food for 4,000, he is feeding Gentiles, the “other” for Jews in that time and place.

…And we, though many, throughout the earth  …

I don’t know of an example from today as deeply rooted as the separation between Jew and Gentile then. So let’s take an imperfect situation and see if it can help.

Remember the 2020 election? The campaigning before the election, how worked up many of us became about the candidates, the tactics, some things so bad they are still getting worked out in the courts. Different people hoping for different outcomes.

For some it was difficult to even be civil with friends and relatives over the candidates. Some families broke apart, some friendships ended.

In the wake of that, imagine now hosting a generous meal for your political opposites, maybe those who yelled at you or you suspect defiled the bumper sticker on your car.

And now you’re offering food, not because you necessarily like each other again—but simply because you have groceries and they are hungry.

… we are one body in this one Lord.

Mtr Mary

*Jesuit Father John Foley composed “One Bread, One Body” in 1978,