Fr Robert Hendrickson

Dear Friends in Christ,

Today’s Epistle contains one of my favorite passages of Scripture. It’s a simple exhortation: “Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

In a culture where we’re constantly bombarded by reasons to worry, to be angry, to be fearful, and to focus on everything that is wrong this passage reminds us to do something counter-cultural: to focus on the good.

There are different streams of Christian theology. Some focus on what’s wrong with us and the world. They focus on the elimination of vice and sin. Sometimes, I think we need a bit of that hard truth in our lives. However, I’ve come to believe, that it is focusing on virtue that will be the surest way of growing in holiness.

This has less to do with the purgation of negative behaviors than it does with how we learn to see the world and other people. A constant focus on what’s wrong turns us into the kind of pettiest score-keepers. We look for what’s wrong everywhere and come to see only the worst because that’s what we expect to see. And of course we simply must point it out whenever we find it!

I think virtue is encouraged not by relentless focus on the wrong but by a firm commitment to see what is good, holy, and loving in people and the world. This takes a certain kind of discipline. But if you imagine the people in your life who have left the longest lasting positive impact they tend to be the people who saw something in you. They were the people who said, out loud, that you had gifts, promise, potential, and more. They focused on the good.

I’m going to work this week to focus on the good. I’m going to look for what is true and honorable and worthy of praise so that I can try and encourage and emulate it. It will take some sifting through the chaff but the reward seems well worth the effort.

Yours in Christ,

Fr Robert