Mtr Mary Trainor

I can see clearly now the rain is gone  …*

Dear friend,

Even if my eyes work perfectly, my sight may not be all that perfect.

In dark or bad moments, I cannot necessarily see the light or the good all around me. But the light and the good are there. Always. If only I had a way to see them.

Our Office Gospel today from Matthew tells of two blind men by the side of the road as Jesus and entourage are passing by. The two create such a ruckus that others shush them—to no avail.

Yet Jesus takes notice and grants their wish: He opens their eyes.

I can see all obstacles in my way …

A dear friend from long ago had exceptional vision. She could see things to which the rest of us were blind.

Among our associates was a man whose negativity entered a door before his body did. It was like a force field of sarcasm and hostility entering the room—and no one was exempt.

My friend always treated him with utmost care and respect. Maybe even with love. One day I could stand it no longer: “How can you be so nice to him,” I asked her, a bit annoyed.

Pausing for a moment, she responded. “Kindness may not be what he deserves, but it sure is what he needs.”

My eyes were opened that day with a lesson I hope I never forget: Look beyond the obvious—and I might see pain so deep, so devastating, that it can only be treated with love.

Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind. It’s gonna be bright, bright, bright sunshiny day.

Mtr Mary

*I Can See Clearly Now. Lyrics by Johnny Nash, who also turned it into a best-selling recording. Listen here.