Mtr Mary Trainor

Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do…*

Dear friend,

Love God. Love Neighbor.

These are the two greatest commandments, Jesus says in Matthew’s Gospel for today--and they are sufficient guidance to last a lifetime. All biblical pointers for living right fall into one or both of these categories: “Love God” or “Love neighbor.”

Simple? Not really.

Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion, too…

Times are tough right now, here in the USA. National politics is approaching “fevered-pitch” status.

“Amped up” seems to be what those who govern, or want to govern, wish for us. “Catastrophize” seems to be the game plan.

People like me, maybe like you, can’t enjoy life to the fullest while clawing our way out from under a cloud of impending doom every day

Imagine all the people livin’ life in peace…  

Can it be as simple (and as complicated) as “love God, love neighbor?” Was John Lennon crazy to imagine a world of people living in peace? People not controlled by ambition, possessions, getting a leg up on the next rung of the ladder?

Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can; no need for greed or hunger…

Was Jesus crazy to call us to a life of love, love for our God and love for one another? One thing his life and death teach us is the risk involved in challenging institutions, be they political, religious, or familial. He was executed, after all. 

But, no, I don’t think Jesus was crazy. And, even though his life was cut short by a madman, I don’t think John Lennon was either. The two are not of equal weight, of course. Yet they saw a way forward based on peace and love-- a way that can land you in trouble with the overseers of this world, but secure you a place of welcome in the world beyond this one.

It seems to me that Jesus and John saw the same truth, a way to live free while still trapped within the confines of this planet:

Love God. Love neighbor. Change the world.

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one…

Mtr Mary