Fr Robert Hendrickson

Dear Friends in Christ,

By absentmindedness I’d forgotten to write this Daily Bread until after Christmas Eve services were all done!

My iPad now says it is officially December 25th.

I’m a bit tired for too much theologizing at the moment. But it’s a good kind of tired — the kind that comes after work worth the doing.

There are so many others who share in this good kind of tired. Musicians, ushers, acolytes, Altar Guild, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, sextons, staff, pageant participants and their parents, AV folks, church decorators, bulletin editors, sign language interpreters, and volunteers of all sorts come together to make days like this happen.

The whole community pools its gifts and talents and more to create this praise and adoration together.

I’m always thankful for this place and its ministry but days like this make me especially so. The combination of creating beauty within our walls and striving to make our community more beautiful, just, and loving outside our walls makes this a place that lives the Anglican ethos which is Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, Lex Vivendi which simply means as we pray so we believe and so we live.

The breadth of what we do here is a little overwhelming at times. But it’s a good kind of overwhelming — a good kind of tired. I’m deeply thankful for the ways you share in that work - for the ways you help bring together how we pray, what we believe, and how we live.

It is now, officially, December 25th — Merry Christmas! May you all find rest and peace this week.

Yours in Christ,

Fr Robert