Mtr Mary Trainor

It was from Joseph first I learned

of love…*

Dear friend,

The road to sainthood can start with the response “yes” to an unattractive or unclear invitation. In fact, sainthood rarely follows a life of glory and gold dust. Or, in the case of Saint Joseph, it was not all glory and sawdust.


The Church remembers Joseph each March 19, and the lectionary for today provides us with two of Joseph’s rare appearances in the Gospel accounts**, one for the feast day itself, the other as our Daily Office reading.

Both offer insight into challenging moments for Joseph as earthly father to Jesus.

O Child whose father came from heaven,

to you another gift was given,

your earthly father chosen well.

In Matthew, Joseph says yes to an angelic call on his life to marry Mary and rear Jesus as their son. In Luke, a 12-year-old Jesus worries his parents sick when he stayed behind at the Temple 

to be with “his Father.”

With Joseph I was always warmed

and cherished. Even in the stable

I knew that I would not be harmed…

When I retired from active priesthood I was priest in charge of a parish named Saint Joseph’s. I believe it an apt name for the small but vigorous community filled with people who, like Joseph, always responded to “call” with a “yes.” Inspired by them, I came to be a yes-sayer, too.

As my retirement date approached, I knew I would do something with my vocation while retired, but had no clue where that would lead me.

Two women educators at Saint Joseph’s always joked about how they had “flunked” retirement. And their parting words to me for my future were these: “If you find something even halfway what you’re seeking, say yes—and trust.”

And, though above the angels swarmed,

man’s love it was that made me able

to bear God’s love, wild, formidable,

to bear God’s will, through me performed.

Mtr Mary

*”Saint Joseph,” a short poem by Madeleine L’Engle, sharing the imaginings of young Mary in regard to Joseph, her spouse.

**scripture citations

