Chuck Kirchner

By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 3:10-11)


Hymn # 518 sets the above verse to music: 

Christ is made the sure foundation,

Christ, our head and cornerstone,

chosen of the Lord and precious,

binding all the Church in one;

holy Zion’s help forever

and our confidence alone.

All of this brings to mind a story I heard decades ago:

There were three stonecutters, each chipping away at a large block. A passerby approaches the first stonecutter and asks, “Excuse me, what are you doing?” The stonecutter replies rather gruffly, “Can’t you see? I’m chipping away at this big hunk of stone.” 

Approaching the second craftsperson, our curious person asks the same question. This stonecutter looks up with a mixture of pride and resignation and says, “Why, I’m earning a living to take care of my wife and children.” 

Moving on to the third worker, our questioner asks, “And what are you doing?” The third stonecutter looks up, his face shining, and says with reverence, “I’m building a cathedral!”

We’re all part of something much larger than ourselves. Yet, we each have a role to play in creation, a gift from the Creator to add to the foundation. It’s more than just a task, more than just a way of surviving. It’s continuing the work of the Creator, building the cathedral one task, one effort, one gift at a time.

We’re fortunate at St. Philips to be the home of the Beloved in the Desert Episcopal Service Corps. These young persons are discovering and honing their gifts to add further to the foundation. One stone at a time.

In Peace, 


Chuck Kirchner is a member of the Beloved in the Desert Advisory Board, a volunteer at The Inn, a graduate of the Tacheria School of Spiritual Direction, and photography workshop leader.