Fr Peter Helman (10.04.21)

Dearly beloved,

For what do you pray this morning as the week stretches out before you? What are the circumstances that you set at the feet of our Lord who knows your needs before you ask and bids you to cast on him your cares? Maybe what we hold today are not our own concerns and needs but those of our neighbors and loved ones. Maybe we bring hands open to receive what God desires to bestow.

In all that we bring to God today, let us pray and all together step by faith into the peace of God that will transform the world.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Peter




Beloved, take courage, the peace of God surpasses all understanding.

            Lord, I believe.

            Help my unbelief.

O God the Father, who dwells in light before time, and in whom all things hold together, and through whom all things exist; you are the God of Peace,

          Keep us in perfect peace.

O God the Son, light of our salvation, against whom we by lovelessness sin; you are the Prince of Peace,

          Keep us in perfect peace.

O God the Holy Spirit, who wakens the dawn and quickens hearts to hope, the fruit of your working is peace to untie every bond of hate,

          Keep us in perfect peace.

This morning we set before God in faith our prayers.

We pray to you, O Lord,

… For hearts fashioned in unity and love; for the passing of hate; for divisions and every war to cease; for the scattering of those who delight in violence; for the perseverance of peacemakers.

Grant us peace in our days, we pray.

… For the foundations of justice to take root in all the world; for the freedom of the oppressed and poor; for refuge and release for the enslaved; for light to dawn on those who live in darkness and the shadow of death.

Guide our feet into the way of peace, we pray.

Let us pray.

Blessed are the peacemakers, and happy are the feet of those who bring good tidings.

“Most merciful God, whose will it is that we should love one another, give us grace that we may fulfill it. Make us gentle and forbearing. Direct our lives so that we may look each to the good of others in word and deed, and hallow all our friendships by the blessing of your Spirit, for the sake of him who loved us and gave himself for us, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (A Collect for Love and Goodwill)

May the Peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep our hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of God’s Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.