Mtr Taylor Devine

Dear Friend,

Today is the Feast of the Annunciation - the day Mary learned from an angel that she was to bear a son, Jesus. It occurs nine months before Christmas, and points to one of the Lenten season’s stark truth: we journey with Jesus toward the cross while we still might be humming Christmas carols. We take these dual journeys with Jesus as much as we can, following him when salvation is near through his very incarnation, and when salvation is near through his very death and resurrection. This marking of the Incarnation, of God becoming man, was so important to early Christians that apparently in some parts of Europe the beginning of the year was marked on March 25.

This Christmas Eve I remember thinking “the lights are low, the candles are lit, we are singing these songs of salvation - I can’t wait for the Easter Vigil when this all happens again!” The readings and the music and the liturgy are a bit different, but the hinge on each other - the beginning and the end of Jesus’ life hinge together even in our celebrations and prayers today.

I give thanks that “Mercy and truth have met together, righteousness and peace have kissed each other” and for the opportunity to follow him with you! (Psalm 85: 10)

In Christ,

Mtr Taylor