John Koza

Dear Friends,

“… the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” —Galatians 5:22

Most of these attitudes I don’t have a problem with. Some, I even find easy. Patience is probably the most difficult one for me personally. It’s not the patience required in waiting for something. That I can usually abide. It’s usually when driving and I see other drivers doing things that I find unacceptable. I think there is no need to articulate details here; you’ve seen them! That is when I become very impatient. I don’t like being impatient—but there it is.

Paul goes on to say, “If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit,” vs. 25. I think in order to be guided by the Spirit we need to be in conversation with the Spirit. And so, I have recently begun praying to the Holy Spirit to rid me of my impatience and my snap judgements—as quite often they seem to go together. And lo and behold, yesterday they both ceased!  Ha! If only that were true, and if only it were that easy.  

After several weeks of prayer, I have noticed a new awareness during times of impatience and judgment. It’s as if the Holy Spirit is throwing a flag on the play, and saying, “You see what you’re doing here, right?” And even if I did experience impatience or judgment, I now possess the awareness that I did, and I’m able to reflect on it. It seems like these incidents happen less and less frequently. Therefore, I believe progress is being made.  

Prayer is a very powerful tool and a blessing in so many ways. I think the key is for us to be persistent and vigilant. May the Holy Spirit guide each of us so that we may live by the Spirit.

In Christ, 

John Koza