Justin Appel

Dear Friends in Christ,

This morning’s readings from the lectionary include the first few sections of Psalm 119.

This Psalm has received quite a lot of attention from composers of motets and anthems, but perhaps one of the most well-known to English speakers is Beati quorum via by Charles Villiers Stanford. This short, a cappella setting involves only the first verse of the psalm

Beati quorum via integra est,
qui ambulant in lege Domine.

Blessed are those who are undefiled in the way:
and walk in the law of the Lord.

Rather than reproduce that famous Stanford motet here, I would like to draw attention to a beautiful new setting by the young English composer Owain Park. This motet incorporates a fresh and florid musical vocabulary that describes well a sort of restful and pleasant ‘way’. Especially memorable is the way the choir outlines this way as a ‘walking’ (listen to the phrase ‘qui ambulant’) that is particularly lovely and directional — moving toward a blissful iteration of ‘in lege Domine’. So far, I am finding new things to think about as I continue to listen to the work, and trust you will too.

Yours in Christ,

(Click the link below to listen to Beati quorum via, sung by the Trinity College Choir.)