Luke Pearson

Dear Friends,

In today's Gospel according to Saint Matthew, our Savior tells us to prepare. We must prepare for our sinful world to be cleansed by God's word. We must prepare to be on the lookout for false idols, false prophets and false Christ's who will mislead us. We must prepare for Christ's coming again.

Like the growth of leaves on the fig branch in the summer season, Christ's coming is inevitable. For many of us, including myself, it is hard to face God's truth, especially when it is as apocalyptic as it is in today's Gospel passage. Christ's lesson and prophesy to us today is a terrifying reality. We cannot turn away from it, and we cannot be in denial about this truth. To follow Christ's example of the thief in the night; if someone is breaking into your house to rob you, then there is no escaping that fearful reality. You and your household are being robbed, and that terrifying truth is no longer at your doorstep, it is in your very house.

Even as we are surrounded by fear of the end days, Christ gives us hope. I believe that the timing of the lesson of the fig tree is essential in understanding his message. Our Messiah compares his coming again to the warmest and brightest season of the year, summer. This branch does not put forth its leaves in the fall or the winter, but in the sun filled summer months.

Now it is true that leaves of God's grace grow within our hearts, minds and spirits in every season of our lives. However, it is in this season of Advent that Christ implores that we pay attention and repent. He asks us to prepare for God's ultimate and amazing wonders so that we can pray for deliverance. We must be vigilant in our belief that God's love for us will never pass away, not even for a second.

My friends, we must have faith that like leaves we can grow closer to God and closer to each other. Isn't it a miracle that the Word of God is only a branch length away from each of us? During this third week of Advent let us pray and be watchful together! For Christ is near, and let our hearts be ready for him in the unexpected hour.

