Mtr Taylor Devine

Dear Friend,

I attended a conference for the Episcopal Service Corps this fall. Within the network of leaders who work with young adults, service, intergenerational and intentional community, there is a commitment to self-reflection and group process that helps it to be a fairly grounded and nimble group-it’s fun and challenging work. A facilitator was with us this year who asked questions about the goals dreams of the network, the efforts we’ve made to be an equitable and diverse organization, and where we have fallen short. The phrase that stood out from the consultants from the Mission Institute was “plant seeds, sure, but also leave evidence.” The consultants urged us to keep on with the personal and relational work of being equity, diversity, of being anti-racist, of being grounded Christian witnesses to the love that bids us into beloved community. In addition to planting seeds, though, they urged us to leave evidence of our work for others to find.

This week I’ve been struck by evidence of love for our neighbors in the name of Jesus around our campus and neighborhood - hybrid Bible Study, a few remnant donations from before the Pandemic that I found and Fr Henry took to the Cruzando Fronteras shelter that is currently housing 150 people who are migrating, evidence of 4th and 5th grade Sunday Formation spending time with the light of Advent, smiling-with-your-eyes smiles after a meeting with our partners at the YWCA Women’s Business Center as we get closer and closer to full use of our Kitchen on a Mission with new food entrepreneurs in our community, boxes and supplies gathered for a newly resettled refugee family for which Saint Philip’s is a sponsor, the still after Compline effortlessly led in the round by youth on a Fellowship Hike. Plant seeds, but leave evidence of the kingdom we seek. Plant seeds, but leave evidence that the ground was tilled and cared for, that the seeds were carefully kept and thoughtfully placed, and when these works of love grow, don’t be afraid of the fruit that will be borne. Plant seeds, but leave evidence that we watched, and hoped, and loved.

In Christ,
Mtr Taylor