Mtr Taylor Devine

Dear Friend,

It’s Christmas Eve! The Eve when we celebrate the the birth of Jesus! It is a bit unusual to celebrate the Vigil of, or the evening before,  a great event - with the exception of the Great Vigil of Easter, Christmas Eve, and perhaps weddings with their family gatherings as a part of the rehearsal. On the vigil of the Christ-Mass, it’s hard not to be just a little excited. 

One of the Collects for Christmas Eve follows:

O God, you have caused this holy night to shine with the
brightness of the true Light: Grant that we, who have known
the mystery of that Light on earth, may also enjoy him
perfectly in heaven; where with you and the Holy Spirit he
lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

It reminds me of those Easter Vigil prayers that start in the dark as well, with the lighting of the Paschal Candle:

Dear friends in Christ: On this most holy night, in which our
Lord Jesus passed over from death to life, the Church invites
her members, dispersed throughout the world, to gather in
vigil and prayer. For this is the Passover of the Lord, in which,
by hearing his Word and celebrating his Sacraments, we share
in his victory over death.

It’s the same light - the light of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, who in himself upends the way of death. The same God-with-us who has died, risen, and will come again. The same mystery that comes close enough for us to perceive, to know, to love.

As we wait, sometimes with great excitement, sometimes with just a bit, and sometimes wishing we had some - let us remember that the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it (John 1:5).

In Christ,

Mtr Taylor