Gigi Kammeyer

Dear friend,

A reflection on Isaiah 66:18-23

On this Eve of the Epiphany, the theophany (manifestation) of God incarnate as Jesus Christ, God states his purpose for the world to gather the Jews to carry out into Jerusalem the witness of his final glory and perdition. It looks to the different state of the good and bad among the Jews at their return out of captivity, the rejection of the Jews in the days of the Messiah, the conversion of the Gentiles, and the establishment of the gospel kingdom in the world. It connects with chapter 20 of Revelation, the account of the millennium and the judgement of the dead. In Christian apocalyptic view, this relates to the first and second coming of Jesus Christ. This evangelical prophet looks as far forward as the latter days, to the last day, to the days of eternity.

 We have just celebrated on Christmas the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Now let us look forward to his second coming!

In Christ,

Gigi Kammeyer