Samantha Christopher

Dear Friends in Christ, 

Today we commemorate St Wulfstan of Worcester. A bishop during the time of the Norman invasion of England, he was one of the few Anglo-Saxon bishops to retain his post following the death of Anglo-Saxon King Harold and the installation of Norman King William. Throughout this politically turbulent time, he remained steadfast in his opposition to the slave trade in England.

St Wulfstan exemplifies Christ’s command to “love one another as I have loved you.” Even in the midst of difficult and turbulent times, we are called to show forth God’s love so that our lives may bear lasting fruit in the world. For some of us, that fruit may show forth in our vocations, for others, in the ways we serve our community. No matter how God’s call to love our neighbors manifests in our lives, we can be assured that the Holy Spirit will be with us, guiding us to live and grow alongside our neighbors near and far. For members of Beloved in the Desert, the Episcopal Service Corps program affiliated with St Philip’s, they live that call out every day as they grow and live in community with people from vastly different backgrounds while serving in the greater Tucson community. 

I leave you today with the collect for the commemoration of St. Wulfstan:

Almighty God, whose only-begotten Son hath led captivity captive and given gifts to thy people: Multiply among us faithful pastors, who, like thy holy bishop Wulfstan, will give courage to those who are oppressed and held in bondage; and bring us all, we pray, into the true freedom of thy kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Your Sibling in Christ, 

Samantha Christopher

Samantha Christopher (Sam to friends and vague acquaintances), was a Beloved in the Desert Episcopal Service Corps member from 2020-2021. They now work in Transfer Credit and Articulation (a division of the Office of the Provost) at the University of Arizona, and are discerning Holy Orders in the Diocese of Arizona. They also serve as a Lay Clerk at St. Philip’s, leading the Tenor II section of the adult choirs.

Beloved in the Desert is an intentional community for young adults that fosters Christian disciples through service, study, and prayer in the Tucson borderlands. Learn more here (, and contribute to this ministry here ( Do you know a young adult eager to grow through service, prayer, and community? Applications ( for 2022-2023 are open now!