Mtr Taylor Devine

Dear Friend,

Today Thomas Aquinas is commemorated on our calendar - a scholar, priest, and theologian who influenced not only theology but how one “does” theology greatly in the Church. When I went looking for any gems to share about Thomas Aquinas in my files I gave thanks for the “search” function. He is everywhere in seminary notes and notes for sermons, guides for General Ordination Exams, and lots of papers labeled with my maiden name. The loveliest documents I found, though, are others’ lecture notes. There are the notes of a Bishop who used to visit the Seminary, notes shared from various Parish programs, artifacts of community life at a particular time and place. As i sleuth through these notes I am reminded of my college professor’s notes - one favorite kept his notes on yellowed, type-writer-written papers with notes all over the margins and was endlessly humble about his work (forty years in). Another always asked “so what?” at the end of class - I still hear her voice in my head sometimes. Though I was a student relatively recently, several of the stewards of these artifacts have died since the time when I was their student. I am struck by the humble sharing of knowledge from generation to generation - here is some faith I found, some love I shared, some hope I sought - take it with you, but don’t forget to share it. May the parables we learn together whether they be on weathered paper or in searchable drives come alive in relationship, in sharing, in humility, always pointing toward faith, hope, and love in Jesus.

In Christ,

Mtr Taylor