Luke Pearson

Dear Friends,


In today’s Daily Office Gospel According to John, we are introduced to a blind man who received his sight from Jesus. In the Gospel, the Jews investigate Jesus’s miracle by questioning the man with restored vision. They ask him questions such as, “What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?” The man tries to explain that only someone from God could do these things, but the Pharisees eventually drive the man out of town.

However, this Gospel passage does not end there. After the man is cast away, Jesus hears of this, and then goes out to find him. Once Jesus reunites with the man, he asks him a question: “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” The man answers Christ, “And who is he, sir? Tell me, so that I may believe in him.” Jesus responds to him by saying, “You have seen him, and the one speaking with you is he.” It is in that moment, that the man realizes that Jesus is the one who healed his blindness, and says “Lord, I believe.”

The healing of the blind man is one of my favorite miracles. Christ literally opened a man’s eyes so that he could see God’s love more fully. It is astonishing that Jesus was able to restore this man’s sight. We are blessed that our savior will reach out to us, as sinners, and open our eyes to him and the world around us. Although, the greatest part of the miracle was what happened after the man regained his sight. A man was healed, but he was then ostracized by his community. What does Jesus do? He goes out to find him, and he does.

There is no question that sin can cloud our ability to see God. The sins we carry, known and unknown, can drive us away from the direction that God wants us to go. For many of us, sin can diminish our belief in God’s miracles and purpose for this world. At times, our doubts and reservations can prevent us from recognizing Jesus’s presence in our lives, even when he is right in front of us.

My friends, God’s abounding grace will open our eyes and ignite our beliefs. Even when we are healed by God’s love, or if the Lord helps us overcome an obstacle in our lives, the story does not end there. There will be more challenges in the future that we will have to face. There will be times that we feel cast away, abandoned, or isolated. Although, it is in these times that God will go out and find us, even for a second time.


