Luke Pearson

Dear Friends,

As many of you know, I am an avid fan of poetry. I love to hear the syllabic beats written in each rhythmic meter. I enjoy being challenged to find the meaning behind the metaphors and similes within each rhyming line. I am passionate about poetry because each verse can serve as a reminder about the important necessities of life. One of these necessities is laughter. There is a poem about laughter that came to mind, “Laugh”, by F. W. Sanderson, that I would like to share with you all. The poem is as follows:

“Tis by the heart the secret’s told,

“Tis by the smile we’re young or old,

’Tis as the life its joy shall hold,

It is the laugh reveals the soul.

Laughter is a curious and wonderful part of our human experience. It is a reactionary part of human life that can reflect our humor, happiness, and what is present within our hearts and minds. In today’s Daily Office reading from the Book of Genesis, we are reminded about the importance of laughter. God bestowed a son to Sarah and Abraham, as the Lord promised. This was such joyous news for Sarah and Abraham because they believed that they were told they were old or incapable of bearing children. Abraham gave his son the name of Isaac (which in Hebrew means “One who laughs”), and Sarah rejoiced by saying, “God has brought laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh with me.” When God blessed Sarah she did not boast, and did not stay silent, She simply laughed by being overcome with joy.

My friends, God has given us many blessings and many challenges in our lives. It is only natural that in times of pain and distress, we doubt what the future holds for us. Although, we must have faith that God will deliver on the promises that were made to us. No matter what circumstance you are in, God is always with you. No matter who you are, God knows each one of us by name and we are all blessed in the Lord’s eye. No matter what your story, God welcomes every smile you share and every tear you shed. God encourages us to reveal the happiness that lies within our souls. It is a marvelous part of life when our Lord surprises our spirits and shocks our expectations. Laughter, at its core, is the manifestation of joy, and from joy comes the manifestation of love.

How will you react when God blesses you? Will you laugh as well?


Luke Pearson