Luke Pearson

Dear Friends,

Earlier this month, Alex Swain and I met with the Beloved in the Desert corps members. We gathered during their Friday formation to discuss and reflect on the work that they all have been doing at their service sites, and how it connected to narratives in the Scriptures. Furthermore, Alex and I were able to share some of our experiences as former Beloved in the Desert members, as well as provide everyone some insight into our work with the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona and Interfaith Community Services.

Our discussion with the Beloveds was such a blessing. Each one of the Beloveds that chose to share, told us about how they are serving both God and the Tucson community. These incredible individuals are helping those in need find food, transportation, sanctuary, shelter, connection, and hope. Over the course of these six months, they have had the courage to dedicate themselves to a year of service, live in an intentional community, and do their part to combat the different forms of oppression that negatively affect the world around us. Each one of them turned toward God, and accepted to walk in the direction of where the Lord was calling them.

In this morning’s reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, we are all asked to turn towards the direction of God as well. Our Lord addresses the nations, “Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.” This is more than just a proclamation, it is an invitation. It is an invitation to take one step closer to God’s will, God’s children here on earth, as well as all of God’s wonders of this life. We are called to put our trust in God with all of our hearts, minds, and spirits. By trusting God, our faith and our desire to serve God and the world will grow.

My friends, the current Beloved in the Desert members have been a Godsend for this Church and for the work sites that they serve in. In our communities, there will always be those who are thirsty, hungry, and in need of shelter. There will always be those who are also hungry and thirsty for connection and love. Each one of the Beloveds have used the authentic gifts that God has given them to help people in creative and inspiring ways.

Now, as people of faith, we face our biggest challenge; to seek out to serve and welcome people, and by doing this, we seek and serve God. God always gives us new invitations to build new relationships with others, and as Christians this should always be what we are turning toward.

The work that these amazing individuals have done since arriving in Tucson reminds me of Matthews' conversion. Christ simply says to Matthew, "Follow Me.” When God looks us in the eye and tells us to follow him we don’t have to answer with our mouths. Instead, we can answer by moving our feet toward him and his promise of salvation. 

