Luke Pearson

Dear Friends,

Merry Christmas, and happy Feast of Saint John!

In today's Daily Office Gospel reading, we find ourselves sitting with Jesus and his disciples during the Last Supper. Jesus is transparent with his disciples that one of them will betray him. After Peter asks who will be the one to betray him, Christ answers, “It is the one to whom I give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish.” He then gives the piece of bread to Judas, and instructs him to bring the betrayal into fruition.

I find this Gospel incredibly moving for two reasons. Firstly, Jesus knows that Judas will be the one to betray him. Judas is about to betray his friend, teacher, and Messiah. Nevertheless, out of Jesus’s unconditional love he offers Judas his body and blood as the sacrificial lamb. God provides us with unadulterated grace.

Secondly, this sacrificial love is not exclusively for Judas. Jesus' love is available for each of the disciples and for all of us. Christ knows that Judas may be the first to betray Jesus that night, but he won’t be the last. Each of the disciples will desert, deny and betray Jesus in their own way. Nevertheless, Jesus does not abandon them. He begins to lead them on the path toward salvation with one instruction, “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.”

Beloved, Jesus’s love is alive in a world filled with betrayal. His love is our brightest star during the darkest night. His grace is the compass that points us to the new kingdom. He gave up his body so that we could become it. Thanks be to God!

