Fr Peter Helman

‘Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life.” (Matthew 6:25)


Dear beloved,

Every day it is a good discipline to ask the same question: Where will I search for peace today? If not today, then tomorrow, storms will gather, and break upon us, and where will we find peace as we are driven by the waves?

The more we pause to ask this question, the more we will remember in quiet confidence that peace is already ours to have.

God is our peace.

And at times that sounds all rather trivial when we are out into deeper waters and fear our strength will fail or find that it has already, but it is true.

God is our peace.

One of my favorite moments in the Gospel of Matthew is the miracle of Jesus walking on water. Perhaps you know it well.

Once, Peter and the other disciples rowed their boat at night across the Sea of Tiberius toward Capernaum. Beset by an oncoming storm, the wind was against them. Waves were already over the sides and beginning to gather in the sole of the boat.

Jesus had sent them on ahead to the other side as he stayed to pray, and although the disciples knew he was eventually to join them they drifted out and left him far behind.

At dawn, still rowing after many hours, Jesus came to them striding the sea, walking on the water, and they mistook him for an apparition for no man living can do such a thing.

But he spoke to them in their terror, “Take courage. It is I. Do not be afraid.”

Peter answered, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” So, Peter got out of the boat and started walking on the water towards Jesus, but seeing the wind and the sea beneath him he grew frightened, and beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Jesus immediately caught his hand, saying to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” When they at last got into the boat, the wind ceased, and the disciples worshiped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’”

At the risk of oversimplifying this moment in Matthew’s gospel, what can we learn from it about the question we initially posed? Well, at least a couple things. First, that we are given peace from above. Peace is not a thing we conjure on our own. True peace that lasts and surpasses understanding is ours to receive as pure gift from God who always desires to impart it. All we have to do is ask, and in the asking trust, even when it seems impossible. And second, Jesus does not wait for us first to muster faith and trust in him, but instead he rushes to meet us where we are to catch us by the hand and hold us fast.

God is our peace, and that is the promise we hold today. May God send his Holy Angel from heaven to guard, cherish, and protect you this day.


Yours in Christ~

Fr. Peter