Alex Swain

Friends in Christ,
In today’s readings* the people of Israel, in their wanderings from Egypt, find their path to the Promised Land obstructed by an overflowing and even raging river Jordan. Their sojourn to rest and God’s peace is seemingly obstructed by the chaotic might of the natural world.
Often, in scripture, water is used as a metaphor of chaos which is subdued and ordered by God’s Almighty hand. Indeed, in the very beginning the Spirit of God “was moving over the face of the waters” and God raises up all creation from these waters. God brings forth order out of chaos. Contrasted with this, we also witness God using the waters as a veritable undoing of creation during the great flood of Noah. Our God has command over the elements of chaos!
So, the Israelites find themselves stuck on the shores of a raging river. What are they to do?
The priests bearing the Ark of the Covenant set their feet into the river Jordan and lo! By God’s hand the waters are split and the Israelites cross. This no doubt parallels when Moses stretched forth his hand and split the Red Sea by the might of God. The waters, avenues of obstacle and chaos, are subdued by God for His people to continue on their journey.
Today’s Gospel reading shows Jesus healing a man of blindness. And by what means does our Lord heal the blind man? Water in the form of Christ’s spit, mixed with earth, open’s the man’s eyes. In other parts of the Gospels we also see Christ’s power over chaos as he walks on water, and when he calms the raging waters brought about by a storm. Indeed, Christ our Lord has command over the elements of chaos.
In a way, is not this, too, what our baptism gets at (from a certain perspective)? By the sprinkling of water and the pronouncement of the Holy Trinity a life is ceded, though battered about in a world of chaos, into the merciful arms of God. A God that brings about order out of chaos. A God that will order the chaotic waters of life to bring about His Peace.
Thanks be to God!
Yours in Christ,
Alexander Swain
Beloved in the Desert Episcopal Service Corps Member
*Joshua 3:14-4:7, John 9:1-12, 9:35-38