Mtr Taylor Devine

Dear Friend,

This morning, in the 28th chapter of Genesis we read the story of Jacob’s ladder. As Jacob wakes from his dream of the ladder with angels ascending and descending he exclaims ‘Surely the Lord is in this place—and I did not know it!’ He marked the place with oil and stood in awe, as he recalled how God had brought him thus far, and prayerfully wondered where God was calling him from this place. In the cycle of Jacob stories, Jacob also symbolizes the people Israel, reaching for, wrestling for blessing from the God who promises relationship and covenant. In the reaching for God he is transformed, and his desire formed into a trust in God. Have you ever had a moment when you thought ‘Surely the Lord is in this place—and I did not know it?' The moments when we re-recognize, turn again to the God who is revealed in Jesus evoke the biblical sense of awe, re-ligament us into the people we are called to be. May you know and trust in God's presence whether it be in the grand moments or in the small.

In Christ,
Mtr Taylor