Mtr Taylor Devine

Dear Friend,

This February as we prepare for Lent some of our focus is on the Way of Love that is "Turn." Put simply, this element of our communal rule of life might be described as: Pausing, listening, and turning toward Jesus. Our worship, our fellowship and commitment to each other, our service and our prayer, all have the capacity to reorient us to the source and summit of our faith, Jesus.

This video about a social enterprise based in Nashville, Tennessee called Thistle Farms offers a compelling reflection on the many ways we are called to Turn. The founder of Thistle Farms speaks in this reflection about how the circumstances of our lives and the systems of sin in which we live can be like choppy waters, and about how communities can help make a safe passage in the daily turning again to the source of life.

Becca Stevens, who founded Thistle Farms, wrote a book of simple poetry and thoughtful devotions called "Love Heals"* that brings a deep sense of compassion to the work of "turning." Her refrain throughout the book and in her preaching is that 'love is the most powerful force in the world." It is love that bids us turn toward it, it is love that bids us welcome, it love that has the power to save.

In Christ,
Mtr Taylor

*"Love Heals," along with the products of the social enterprise that has grown out of the ministry of Thistle Farms which helps women survivors recover and heal from trafficking, prostitution, and addiction, can be found in the Little Shop at Saint Philip's if you would like to learn more about their work!