Mtr Taylor Devine

Dear friend, 

In the Letter of James today there is a line that stands out to me, it evokes the "Turn" part of the Way of Love Rule of Life* that Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has shared with the Church.  Its imagery, turning away from the things that take life and toward the life-giving word, involves a turning toward Jesus.

Therefore rid yourselves of all sordidness and rank growth of wickedness, and welcome with meekness the implanted word that has the power to save your souls. - James 1:21

Sordid!  Rank!  What words in this letter!  But how does one, in the reality of life, actually welcome the implanted word?  The Word who is Jesus, the word that beckons love, that is love?  If we are so lucky as to know Christ in the Eucharist, in the scriptures, within us, and in God’s image in ourselves and others, this transforms.  By unshackling us, God might grant us the the opportunity to have our hearts grown, to change, to forgive and be forgiven, to know ourselves loved and loving.  One of the Desert Mother's famous sayings is this:

Salvation then, is exactly this-the two-fold love of God and love of our neighbor. -  Amma Syncletica

This may seem a bit simple at first, if she has figured out salvation, wow!  Knowing and being known by the triune God, receiving the leaven that is the word that transforms, and living out that love of God and of neighbor is in some way simple, but that does not make it easy.  Turning toward, reorienting toward the way of Jesus, practicing going and blessing is part of this process of being transformed by Grace that we walk in, together.  

In Christ,
Mtr. Taylor

*For more about the The Way of Love: Practices for a Jesus-Centered Life: