Mtr Taylor Devine

Dear Friend,

Today we celebrate the journey Mary took to visit her cousin Elizabeth, both unlikely mothers to unlikely children. This always feels a bit abrupt in the Church calendar, wait-we just celebrated the Ascension, we're getting ready for Pentecost, and we're pointing forward again to the birth of the Christ in the world! It must have felt rather abrupt to these women, too, in different way of course. A calling to a new way, upending our current way of life, is rarely comfortable, and is often abrupt. There is something about the communal support along the way, though, that makes what seemed impossible, plausible. There is a rather recent sculpture at Virginia Theological Seminary called Mary as Prophet that depicts the moment when the two women meet, rejoice, and comfort one another in this new phase of their callings to bear God's love in the world. It was a big deal when it was installed-the Archbishop of Canterbury, the former and current Presiding Bishops were there, it was a big weekend!

I share the image so that you might enjoy it and ponder it as well. Blessing, vocation, calling, are weighty words. Thank God we can meet one another and bear each other's burdens as we venture from Easter to Pentecost, with all the changes and chances that come up in between!

In Christ,
Mtr. Taylor