Mtr Taylor Devine

Dear friend,

Do you have a Rule of Life? Do you have practices that help you discern and act and re-evaluate and to turn and return to God? You probably do if you are reading this, daily reading of scripture, attendance at Church, giving and sharing in material and spiritual ways, are all practices walked in the Way of Love.

I wonder what your reaction is to this Psalm, I imagine there can be a sense of peace, a knowledge of striving and seeking God. There can also be a moment of intimidation, how can I know God's will?   We can seek God's will in the Scripture - for relationship, for covenant, for worship, for care, for binding the broken hearted, the raising up the lowly, and repairing of the breach.

I love to do your will, O my God;
your law is deep in my heart.
(Psalm 40.9b)

I think within the context of a Rule of Life, of the practices of the Christian life, “your law is deep in my heart” rings true. Notice the Psalm doesn’t say “I’ve figured out your whole law and I’m living it out perfectly.”  The Psalm is about love, the love of God, the generative life of relationship seeking and sought byGod, following God with the knowledge and experience and tradition we have. Loving God with the hearts God loves.

In Women’s Bible Study yesterday a woman wisely said “I don’t think we can be perfect, but there are perfect moments, places where we live out reconciliation.” There are these moments where there is a deep peace, where there is a sense of God’s presence and will being done.  It is what we pray for in the Lord’s prayer, and it is what we seek in our worship. 

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry visited the Diocese in which I grew up last weekend for their 100th anniversary, and he shared what has become a catch phrase of his, “If it’s not about love, it’s not about God.”  This guiding principle accompanies me in my office in the form of a sweetly drawn gift from a mentor, “If it’s not about <3, it’s not about God.” I wonder if there are helpful phrases or practices that draw you in day by day to the worship and love of God afresh, or help you make hard decisions with care?  Another for me is "Will this action help me love God's people more?" 

In Christ,
Mtr. Taylor