Fr Peter Helman

Dear friends,

Tell me a story about your life. Tell me where you find deep and abiding joy.

Tell me of a difficult time when you listened for the voice of Jesus guiding your heart to one decision or another and in that moment to weigh what was right and good and even terrifyingly fraught over what was convenient or expedient or comfortable. When have you followed his voice, and when have you looked backward across the light of experience and seen the better course?

The lives of the saints teach us that true life and abundant joy depend upon listening for the voice of Jesus in every moment and following. And to hear and follow we must pursue the quality of stillness and silence.

The desert father St. Nilus of Ancyra said, “It is impossible for muddy water to grow clear if it is constantly stirred up.” And St. Theophan said, “To stop the continual jostling of your thoughts you must bind the mind with one thought, or the thought of One only”—the thought of the Lord Jesus.

Wading into the cares and occupations of today, Jesus will be standing against the current, waiting for us, speaking to our hearts of the way we ought to go. And there true joys will be found. This morning make time to be still and silent before God and listen for the voice of Jesus. And then follow him.

Yours in Christ,
Fr. Peter+

p.s. This morning I want to share with you one important service opportunity coming up and ask for your help!

Each year the Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network (TIHAN) brings together religious, secular, corporate, and non-profit organizations to create an inclusive network of support for the estimated 3,000 people in Pima County living with HIV. Through education and a host of social services, TIHAN works to build bridges, reduce stigma, and sustain hope. Last year alone TIHAN served over 1000 CarePartners (clients) and partnered with 48 faith communities.

One way Saint Philip’s champions the vital work of TIHAN to help those with HIV live well is through our decade long sponsorship of Poz Café.

On the third Thursday of each month, volunteers from local faith communities provide fantastic, delicious, and nutritious lunch for people living with HIV. (Last year Poz Café prepared and served over 26,000 meals!) This is followed by time for informal fellowship, conversation, bingo and raffles for fun and useful gifts, and the distribution of CarePackages, filled with toiletries and other necessities. Poz Café is an amazing way to meet people and promote human flourishing through friendship, fellowship, and nutrition.

This year Saint Philip’s will join with Tucson Pride and members of St. Francis in the Foothills United Methodist Church to host Poz Café on Thursday, September 19, 2019.

We would love your help sponsoring Poz Café by collecting the following CarePackage items: [1] toilet paper (360 rolls), [2] paper towels (90 rolls), [3] laundry detergent (100 individual packets), and [4] disposable razors (270 total)—all of which can be acquired very cheaply at Dollar Tree!

Please contact me for more information (; 520-299-6421 ext. 33)! Thank you in advance for your loving support. CarePackage donations may be brought to my office Sunday through Thursday. And, of course, gifts amounting to $50 or more are tax deductible.