Justin Appel

Dear Friends,

Today’s Epistle reading, Romans 1:28-2:11, emphasizes the basic Christian teaching that we should not judge others, but rather give ourselves to the task of repentance.

I would like to share a short collection of sayings on this subject from various holy Mothers and Fathers of our faith, which I hope you will find illuminating.

Yours in Christ,

‘Christians should judge no one, neither an open harlot, nor sinners, nor dissolute people, but should look on all with simplicity of soul and a pure eye. Purity of heart, indeed, consists in seeing sinful and weak people and having compassion for them and being merciful.’ St. Macarius the Great

‘Don’t criticize or judge other people — regard everyone else as an angel, justify their mistakes and weaknesses, condemn only yourself as the worst sinner. This is step one in any kind of spiritual life.’ Fr. Seraphim Rose

‘If you judge people, you have no time to love them.’ Mother Teresa of Calcutta

‘Believe that others are better than you in the depths of their soul, though outwardly you may appear better than they.’ St. Augustine of Hippo

‘A good grape-picker, who eats the ripe grapes, will not start gathering unripe ones. A charitable and sensible mind takes careful note of whatever virtues it sees in anyone. But a fool looks for faults and defects. And of such it is said: ‘They have searched out iniquity and expired in the search.’’ St. John of the Ladder

‘A dog is better than I am, for he has love and does not judge.’ St. Xanthias

‘Have confidence in the compassion of our Creator. Reflect well on what you are now doing, and keep before you the things you have done. Lift up your eyes to the overflowing compassion of heaven, and while He waits for you, draw near in tears to our merciful Judge. Having before your mind that He is a Just Judge, do not take your sins lightly; and having also in mind that He is compassionate, do not despair. The God-Man gives man confidence before God.’ St. Gregory the Great

‘Don’t let yourself forget that God’s grace rewards not only those who never slip, but also those who bend and fall. So sing! The song of rejoicing softens hard hearts. It makes tears of godly sorrow flow from them. Singing summons the Holy Spirit. Happy praises offered in simplicity and love lead the faithful to complete harmony, without discord. Don’t stop singing.’ Hildegard von Bingen