Justin Appel

Dear Friends,

Today, I would like to invite you into a moment of musical meditation.

The prayer below is by Staretz Silouan (1866-1938), a Russian monk from the monastery of Saint Panteleimon on Mount Athos.

The music is by the living Estonian composer, Arvo Pärt. Silouan's Song translates this prayer into musical thought, punctuated by periods of silence.

I encourage you to listen to this piece while slowly reading the prayer. A monk I respect very much once said that we need to be taught to pray by those who already know how.

In this case, we must surely benefit from the devoutness of both the monk who prayed the prayer, and from the composer who expresses the prayer in concrete, sonic terms.


Silouan's Song

My soul yearns after the Lord, and tearfully seeketh Him.
How canst I not seek Thee?
Thou first sought me and let me partake of Thy Holy Spirit,
and [let] my soul love Thee.
Thou seest, Lord, my sorrow and [my] tears...
If Thou hadst not drawn me [to Thee] by Thy love,
then I wouldst not have sought Thee so, as I am seeking,
but Thy Spirit let me know Thee,
and my soul rejoices, because Thou [art] my God and [my] Lord,
and unto tears do I yearn for Thee.

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