Deacon Anne Strong

My friends in Christ,

My social life, beyond virtual, has been sparse due to the social distancing required to “beat” the pandemic of COVID-19. A bright spot every morning and/or evening is when Gabriel, my Labradoodle, and I hop in the car and head to our beloved destination…the dog park.

Anticipation rises until we walk through the gates into the park and are both greeted warmly…myself with smiles, and Gabriel with licks and paws. We then fall easily into our routines.

Gabriel loves to be chased by his pack of friends and I walk laps around the large yard. As I walk, I commune with God through nature, intent on using this time for exercise, both spiritually and physically. I observe the dogs in THEIR community and find….dogs are enlightened: they seem to have figured out how to live beautifully, so much better than we have…AND, they are all different, colors, types, sizes and breeding.

At times I need to step out of their community. Guess who desperately dashes away from his friends expressing his fear that he will be without me? Gabriel, jumping up and down at the fence and he is joined by a few of his friends, offering comfort.

I believe all creatures are God’s masterpieces, but I also think most of us who are members of the Human Race could use some spiritual “touching up” by our artist.

Our readings for today ask us to: Listen to God daily; love our neighbors as ourselves; subordinate our will to God’s. While we struggle to discern our true purpose here on earth, all a dog wants is to love and be loved. A powerful lesson for us all!!!

With LOVE to all,
Anne Strong (Deacon) and Gabriel

This meditation is based on these readings: Joshua 7:1-13 ; Romans 13:8 -14; Matthew 26:36-46