Deacon Anne Strong

Our Daily Bread

Dear friends,

The Collect today is praising God for the restoration of the dignity of human nature, ours.

Our baptismal vows which we reaffirm on Easter (and at other Baptismal events) direct us to “strive for justice and peace among all people” AND “to respect the dignity of every human being.”

Jeremiah was written when people were promised security and safety by God. Post experiencing the desolate valley, they would find “springs.”

Today’s refugees and displaced indigenous peoples may face daily abuse, disrespect, trauma, and loss of homelands. Our veterans, who have suffered moral injury in recent wars, rather than gaining a life of respect and admiration, suffer losses which prove unbearable.

People who face these challenges today do so in every aspect of their lives: In their faith, their work (if they have it,) their families, and their identity.

Where can they find dignity?

Scripture proclaims that all of creation is dependent upon God for their very existence. Compare this “lens” with the much-touted “pull ‘em up” theory.

Human self-worth is a socially negotiated quality, one closely tied to a sense of belonging. When a community opens itself up to an attitude of “it’s okay to not be okay,” it will learn to be receptive to the voice of the other.

Thankfully, God has a much bigger picture than we do. These scriptures present God’s unfailing love…HOPE…which requires faith. Faith which led Joseph to follow the commands of an angel in today’s Gospel reading.

It is this story that we are called to perform. A story which reshapes our own lives as well as the collective lives of our beloved church. May our understanding and resultant actions be in a context of compassion toward ourselves and one another.

A favorite parable of mine is “I am the true vine, and my Father the winegrower.” To me this exemplifies interdependence. We all need God AND each other to produce good fruit. Amen.

In His Name,
Deacon Anne Strong

Today’s readings:
Jeremiah 31:7-14  
Psalm 84:1-18  
Matthew 23:13-5,19-23