Deacon Anne Strong

Dear friends,

In the Gospel of John there are seven {perfect number} “I AM” statements:

“I am the Way, The Truth and the Life” { exclusiveness}
“I am The Bread of life” {spiritual hunger}
“I am the Light of the world” {the source of illumination}
“I am The Gate” {salvation}
“I am The Good Shepherd” {ultimate guide}
“I am The Resurrection and The Life”{ eternal life}
“I am The vine, you are the branches….” {sustenance}

These beautiful, heartwarming statements give us pictures: illustrations that teach us more thoroughly about the triune Grace that rescues, restores, establishes, nourishes, indwells, enlightens, guides, protects, saves, and raises us.

While providing all of the above, I have found that they can also cause conflict : negating or challenging one’s beliefs. They are also thought provoking, indeed, motivating us to ask questions like:
“Is Jesus who He says He is?
“Is He my Bread of life?”
“Do I live by His light?”
“Do I gain salvation through Him?” or “do I keep seeking direction?"
“Is He my conscience by which I base all truth?”
“Do I abide in Him as He abides in me; cling to Him as a branch to a vine?”
“Do I draw all my spiritual nourishment from Him?”

“There is only one problem on which all my existence, my peace and my happiness depend: to discover myself in discovering God. If I find Him I will find myself and if I find my true self, I will find Him.” Thomas Merton

Pilgrims and Seekers, my sisters and brother:
Whom are you crying out to? Who answers us?

Christos Amnesti { good resurrection}

With love,
Dcn Anne Strong
Today’s meditation is inspired by John 14:1-11