Mtr Mary Trainor

Dear friend,

Perhaps you’ve heard a variant of this story, but here’s how it came to me: The board of a major corporation hired a new CEO. The members searched and searched and finally were sure they had the right person

On her first day, the new CEO entered her office, sat down,
noticed the plush surroundings. This was it. She had it made. She was called to the best job she could imagine. Just then she noticed a printed note left on her desk from the prior CEO, who wrote, “I have left three letters for you in the top drawer, labeled 1, 2, and 3. You will know when to open one, but please only open in the proper order.”


Jesus is quite frustrated with his disciples in today’s Gospel from Luke. Fresh from the mountaintop where he had taken Peter, James, and John, Jesus arrived at the bottom to learn his other disciples had failed to heal.

His transfiguration at the top revealed his identity as Son of God. So astounding was the voice announcing that the three with Jesus kept this to themselves.

Jesus’ reappearance at the bottom was a return to same-old, same-old. Someone needed healing, and his disciples had failed to do it. These were men he had called to carry out his mission once he was gone. His time on earth growing short, he expresses frustration..


The new CEO made a terrible mistake that cost the company mightily in its first quarter on her watch. Then she remembered the letters. Pulling out Number 1, she read: “You’ve opened this letter because something is wrong. Blame it on someone else, a new IT tech who accidentally wiped out critical information. Tell the board you fired him on the spot. Now, you’re a hero.”


I imagine the nine disciples who failed to heal wished they had someone to oust. Instead they argued as to which of them was the greatest. But this, too, irritated Jesus, who said a little child was greater than they.


Months passed, and the new CEO was enjoying success. A bonus had been given, with promise of stock options. But then she was accused of sexual harassment in an anonymous letter to the board. Nothing had happened, of course, but there would be an investigation. She opened Letter Number 2: “By now you’ve made some enemies, people who accuse you of something. Tell the board you have nothing to hide. Volunteer for a full inquiry into whatever claim has now been made. Transparency. That’ll work in your favor.”


Wanting to impress Jesus, the errant disciples told how they had tried to stop an outsider from driving out demons in Jesus’ name because the man was not one of Jesus’ circle. Jesus was further perturbed. They didn’t understand. They had been called but were still not ready. More preparation was needed, but time for Jesus was drawing to a close.


The CEO survived two skirmishes, but now she’s been accused of fiscal misfeasance--basically, financial incompetence. She practically ran to her office to quickly retrieve Letter Number 3. It was short and to the point: “Write three letters.”


It takes focus and commitment to be a good CEO and to be a good disciple. CEOs fail from time to time and can be fired at will. Disciples can fail daily but God never tires of helping us back to our feet to try again another day.

Mtr Mary